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Travel and Transport to Mýto pod Dumbierom - J2Ski

Snow Mail

Travel to Mýto pod Dumbierom

There are 2 Airports within 3 hours drive of Mýto pod Dumbierom, including Bratislava and Kosice.

  Airports near Mýto pod Dumbierom

To get to Mýto pod Dumbierom you will usually have several options, although availability of some services may be restricted or seasonal.

Airport Transfers to/from Mýto pod Dumbierom

  • Taxi - let someone else drive, but keep the flexibility. May cost a little more but will usually take you directly to the airport.
  • Private Transfers - usually a minibus or similar, most cost-effective with a group. Limousines, coaches or even helicopters may be available depending on the season and your budget.
  • Shared Transfers - similar to a private transfer, but the operator may combine several groups of passengers.
  • Bus Transfers - scheduled public transport bus services may be available. Cost-effective but no flexibility.
  • Mýto pod Dumbierom Transfer options - private hire, minibus, shuttle, coach and helicopter
     Search Mýto pod Dumbierom Airport Transfers & Taxis

Car Rental

Note:- Airport transfer times to Mýto pod Dumbierom are approximate, subject to weather and traffic conditions. Travel at off-peak times to minimise delays.